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About the Artist
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Mental Health
Dinosaur Self Care Alphabet
Helpful Reminders
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Mental Health Is Important
This Is Even True For Someone Without Mental Illness
I have included some helpful coping skills and tips below, that I know can be helpful to keeping your mind and body healthy!
A is for Ankylosaurus
Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's often a sign of strength to be willing to get help
B is for Brachiosaurus
Try taking a deep breath next time you get overwhelmed
C is for Corythosaur
Cold can cool your body down to help regulate your emotions better.
Ice can also shock your body out of an intense moment
D is for Diplodocus
Doodling can be used to distract your mind and also give you something to do with your hands
E is for Euplocephalus
Eating healthy foods and well as exercising has a positive effect on both your mental and physical health
F is for Fukuiraptor
It is super important to make sure you are feeling ALL your feelings and not shoving any of them all deep inside
G is for Gallimimus
Guided meditation can help you calm down and feel at peace
H is for Hadrosaurus
Drinking water is super important for your body
I is for Iguanadon
Ignoring both your toxic thoughts, and those of others can help you focus on what is important to you and your health
J is for Jingshangnosaurus
Journaling is a healthy way to vent, or let out any of your emotions
K is for Kentrosaurus
Being kind to both yourself and others can help improve your mood and overall outlook on life
L is for Lambeosaurus
Listening to what your body is telling you is a great way to take care of it
M is for Microraptor and Minmi
Being mindful is being aware of your surroundings and can help you find the best way to respond to difficult situations
N is for Nedoseratops and Nipponosaurus
Spending time in nature is a good way to get fresh air, and move around best you can
O is for Ornithomimus
Keeping your thoughts organized through things like mindfulness helps you better function and react to your environment
P is for Parasaurolophus, Pachycephalosaurus, and Pteranadon
Try to talk positive, or at least not negative, to yourself and keep your mindset healthy
Q is for Quetzalcoatlus
Give yourself some time in quiet to process your thoughts and feelings
R is for Rhabdodon
Your body needs sleep to function at any age
S is for Spinosaurus and Stegasaurus
Setting boundaries help keep you safe
T is for Tyrannosaurus Rex
Taking the time to get clean and feel refreshed can be difficult for some, but it's worth it
U is for Unaysaurus
Unplugging or disconnecting from technology and allows you to take a breather
V is for Velociraptor
Validating yourself helps boost your self confidence and improve yourself image
Validating your feelings helps you remember that it is ok to feel things
W is for Wannanosaurus
Working in time for yourself gives you time to focus on self care
X is for Xenotarsosaurus
You can always use extra self love
Y is for Yoga
Yoga helps focus your body and mind
Z is for Zalmoxes
Zen means being at peace and calm